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    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    Daniel's Fast Day 14

    Today my prayers stayed with unity but centered on the family - specifically the marriages in our church. Years ago I taught a Marriage Enrichment Group. This was a group where I would present certain teachings about marriage and a group discussion would ensue. It was very helpful. In 30 plus years as a pastor I have worked with couples from pre-marriage counseling to post marriage counseling and everything in between. Some would be surprised at the similarities of concerns many couples face. Attending a group where marriage joys and concerns are discussed - short term - can be very eye opening. I offer such a group if there are any interested couples. This is not a group for couples with only issues. It is for health to troubled marriages and everything in between. It can be beneficial for all.

    In focusing on unity I realize that what impacts our society the most, in my humble opinion, is the destruction of the family. Our society has labeled marriage and the family as discardable. If at first you don't succeed, society says, don't be surprised, try again and again and again.

    Mt. Oak is very pro-family - which includes singles, couples, couples with children, singles with children, and more. I am not trying to define what a family is - rather I am suggesting that we spend more time and focus on keeping the family together.

    I am convinced that Satan would like nothing more than to destroy the family and promote our sinful, carnal, nature - to satisfy self at all costs. Pray with me for ways we can strengthen the family at Mt. Oak.

    I would like offer a short term - 3-6 week group. Is anyone interested? We would limit it to 4-6 couples and offer it over and over again if the demand called for it. Pray with me. If the demand is great, we will work with people's schedules.

    Every marriage could be strengthened by sharing with a group like this.


    Anonymous said...

    My mother told me about a study they did on a book called "Love and Respect", about what women and men each need most, respectively. She and my stepfather both say that if they'd had the information 30 years earlier, they might have saved their first marriages.

    I would certainly be interested in something like that. No matter how strong our marriage is, we can always use improvement.

    Molly Holloway

    Ray McDonald said...

    Here is a great resource for anyone with issues in their marriage - especially those who are thinking about divorce... http://www.focusonthefamily.com/marriage/divorce_and_infidelity/should_i_get_a_divorce.aspx