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    Wednesday, January 13, 2010

    Daniel's Fast Day 13

    Today has been the best day yet - not sure why. Maybe God is at work - you think?

    I was late to prayer time this morning because I wanted to pray with my daughter before she went for her wisdom teeth surgery - I didn't want to wake her so I waited till she woke. After that I went into the church and those who were there this morning came and prayed for me. That was awesome.

    I was able to work out strong this morning at the gym - 55 minutes on the ellipitical - was only planning on 30 minutes but the movie was good and I felt strong. I showered and went to work. I have had good focus all day. My health coach (from my insurance company) called mid-day and encouraged me to stay strong and answered some medical concerns. I stayed focused all day - first time in some time.

    As I was praying this morning - unity was still the subject that came to mind. Unity in the staff, in the leadership, in the congregation. We need a joint focus - maybe that has been my reason for having focus issues - to realize that you cannot accomplish much when you are not focused.

    Lazar Focus is the title of the next sermon series. Since focus has been my issue during this fast - I thought maybe we should preach a series about what is it we should be focused on as Christians and a congregation.

    At this time the series includes sermon titles:
    --Focus on Repentance
    --Focus on God
    --Focus on Jesus' Love
    --Focus on Hearing God
    --Focus on Serving God
    --Focus on Celebrating Jesus
    --Focus on Being the Church

    It starts January 24.