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    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    What is your opinion about the most recent sermon series on fishing?

    How about giving some feedback on the latest sermon series on fishing? You can listen to the sermons on our web page at http://www.mtoak.org/sermons.html starting October 18.

    Be honest but be constructive please.


    Anonymous said...

    The Great Commission calls us to evangelize and I was pleased to be a guest Sunday and see how your church is reaching out to non-believers. How refreshing to see a church, of all places, putting feet to the gospel through actions and actively seeking to win souls to Christ. Jesus is the way, the life, and the truth, no one comes to the Father except through Him. I'm not sure the Church understands that we are to spread the Gospel. So many people say, "that's not my thing, I'm not called to that." But the Bible doesn't say wait until you're called, it says GO! Do it out of obedience to God. Leave your comfort zone and fish for souls. The rewards will be eternal. If you think you have to get your life in order first, then either do so or quit making excuses and start fishing. Come on in, the water's fine. And yes, I used to be very scared to evangelize, then I got some training and when the Pastor asked us Sunday who was a seasoned fisherman I, without shame, raised my hand. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is the power of God unto salvation! Wouldn't it be great if we could all sit around and talk about who just came to know Christ instead of talking about who won the big game? Winning souls if for eternity, please don't blow it off. Someone's soul is at stake. No one wants to stand before God someday and during the accounting, be found lacking. Do the right thing now, tell someone how they can be sure if they're going to heaven, teach them how to have a relationship with God (it's not about religion or tradition), disciple and in doing so, reap a reward that you will never regret.