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    Saturday, November 14, 2009

    In the Body of Christ, should there be any standards or should all be acceptable?

    In the Body of Christ, should there be any standards or should all be acceptable?

    If you ever hold to a standard, be prepared to be called judgmental.


    Anonymous said...

    I'm new to the page, blog. I do believe in Jesus and I do hold a standard. I believe we are called to judge but by a Biblical standard (as in Matthew 6, first removing the plank in our eye so we may judge fairly). In this case, is being judgmental wrong?

    Jason Craig said...

    I had this discussion on another blog recently - the biggest issue was the definition of 'the body of Christ'. Some people consider that to be the church - others are more specific and believe it to be the believers that are in the church. The distinction between these two kind of answers the question I think.

    If we are talking about non-believers then we cannot hold them to the same standard that we hold believers - simply because they have not accepted and stated that Jesus is Lord. Until that happens, they are under the lordship of Lucifer. Once someone changes allegiance, changes identity to become a new creation and a child of the King then different rules may be applied.

    Let's just be gentle in how we encourage discipleship.